The majority of people are not just tired, which is a simple condition that is improved by getting a good night’s sleep. Actually, many individuals are burnt out. This is a more serious biochemical disorder in which the body is unable to restore itself with rest. Burnout results in a sort of persistent, chronic fatigue that cannot be relieved by a few nights of sound sleep. In reality, a lot of burnout sufferers simply keep going, using stimulants and getting little sleep because they know it won’t help them much.
Why is Stress Reduction Important?
Our bodies are organisms that can self-correct. If enough stress is removed from the body and assuming the body is not irreparably harmed, it can and will recover itself. However, a variety of healing modalities might be necessary.
The science of nutritional balancing is concerned with correcting the body’s energy system. Its goal is to lessen the body’s metabolic stress. Stress can come from within or from the outer world. Financial, social, occupational, and familial stress are examples of external stress. Lack of sleep, late nights, vitamin deficiencies, toxic metals in the body, illnesses, and negative thoughts and emotions are examples of internal stress factors. Reducing all of these forms of stress is necessary to treat the majority of cases of exhaustion at the deepest level. This reduces the need for many remedies or symptomatic treatments that can be costly and less effective.
Nutritional Correction
Nutritional balancing treats a variety of issues related to fatigue. Among them are enhancing the diet, assisting with digestion, getting rid of toxic metals, and, most crucially, balancing and fortifying the energy production system. Our nutritional programs are distinctive in that they consistently focus on two essential facets of the body’s energy system. These are the energy pathway and the rate of oxidation.
The rate of all chemical reactions in the body is determined by the oxidation rate, which is closely tied to thyroid and adrenal gland activity as well as the harmony of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. We analyse the mineral content of hair to determine this rate. This assessment is difficult or impossible to make without the test. Others determine the metabolic type using questionnaires, blood testing, or other techniques. These are not as helpful, in our opinion, as a correctly conducted and interpreted hair mineral study. Keeping the ratios of calcium to potassium and sodium to magnesium in check is similar to tuning an engine or running it as fast as it can go to get the most power. Dr. Paul Eck researched these ratios and how to balance them using the appropriate diet, nutritional supplements and lifestyle correction.
The energy pathway is all the steps necessary for food to be digested,absorbed, metabolized in the liver, and ultimately used as energy inside the cell. This pathway requires adequate levels of digestive enzymes, liver detoxification, adequate cell permeability, and adequate amounts of various nutrients. It also requires removal of toxic metals, toxic chemicals, infections, and other blockages that amage energy pathways.
Other Aspects Of Fatigue Correction
In addition to a nutritionally balanced program, other factors can be very important.These include lifestyle, detoxification, mental and emotional factors, and sometimes the need for other forms of treatment.
Lifestyle. Some of the causes of fatigue are over exertion, not getting enough sleep, staying up late, or working the wrong job. The most important lifestyle factor for most people is more rest and sleep. Many people who are tired do not sleep well, which only exacerbates the problem. This creates a vicious circle that throws the body out of balance. This results in calcium and magnesium becoming unavailable to the body, making it difficult to rest and relax. It also accumulates toxic metals such as copper, mercury, and lead that interfere with the relaxation of the nervous system. Lack of rest causes more imbalance and toxicity, making deep sleep even more difficult.
Developing healthful eating habits is another important lifestyle factor. Additional lifestyle factors needed to recover from burnout include simplifying one’s life to reduce pressure and stress, not living beyond one’s means and living in a quiet, clean and healthful environment.
Also important, and often overlooked, is avoiding too much exercise, as most often this just makes one more depleted in the long run. Deep breathing, stretching and other gentle practices such as yoga or tai chi are far better than vigorous exercise to help recover from chronic fatigue.
Detoxification. Our nutritional program helps detoxify the liver, kidneys, and other organs by improving energy levels and supporting the function of these organs and tissues. Also, other detox methods may be very helpful. The most impressive is sauna therapy, which helps rid the skin of toxic metals and chemicals. It also helps clear chronic infections, greatly improves blood circulation, and relaxes the sympathetic nervous system.
Mental and emotional factors. A mental or emotional imbalance can negate the benefits of a nutritional program. Being aware of your thoughts and emotions is also an important way to reduce stress on your body and bring about healing. Negative attitudes and harmful emotions such as fear, anger, worry and guilt can have serious health consequences. This is a topic that should not be overlooked for best results. A faith-based and proactive approach to life can greatly facilitate healing.
Other Therapies. Depending on the cause, other treatments such as chiropractic care, energy balance, bodywork, and other types of counseling may also help overcome the cause of fatigue. The advantage of a comprehensive approach is that when all of these imbalances are corrected, not only fatigue, but many other symptoms naturally resolve.