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Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and Endo-met Supplements

Hair tissue mineral analysis reveals your metabolic profile, mineral imbalances, heavy metal toxicity, etc. Get Endo-met supplements and enjoy free shipping within the United States.


You can live your best life at all ages

If you are feeling less than optimal, we know you want real health solutions. The problem is that most medical approaches target symptoms but do not address underlying imbalances in the body. This allows hidden problems to persist and get worse. 

At Health Balancing, we believe that you deserve a health program that works on the root causes of health conditions. With a small sample of your hair, you can see how nutrition, toxic metals and stress are affecting your mind and body. Using your hair mineral analysis, we can design a nutritional balancing program for your specific body chemistry that balances and heals the body.

Hair Analysis for Heavy Metals United States

Get To The Root Cause And Stop Chasing Symptoms

Treating symptoms without getting to the cause of a problem can lead to mismanagement of your health. Expert insight based on hair mineral analysis can put you on the fast track to healing difficult conditions, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Auto-immune issues
  • Behavioural, mental and emotional problems
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Digestive disturbance
  • FIbromyalgia
  • Headaches
  • Hormonal problems
  • Hypertension
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Prostate Disorders
  • Reproductive problems
  • Skin and hair problems
  • Thyroid Disturbance
  • A condition that no one knows what to do to help

While blood and urine tests show what is being circulated and eliminated, hair tests reveal what your body has been utilising, metabolising and storing. This can uncover what is aggravating difficult health symptoms so you can create an effective blueprint for reclaiming your health.

  • Individual diet and supplement recommendations (rather than guessing)
  • Mineral deficiencies and imbalances
  • Heavy metal toxicity
  • Adrenal and thyroid activity
  • Metabolic type
  • Stress and its effect on energy and health
  • Early “disease” trends
  • Mental and/or emotional issues
  • Cellular energy levels
  • Autonomic nervous system imbalances
  • Glucose tolerance
  • Lifestyle imbalances

How To Get Started with Hair Mineral Testing?

Our hair mineral analysis and nutritional balancing program can be done by distance. You can start today, wherever you are! Here are three simple steps.

Order your hair analysis
Once you have ordered a hair analysis, we will guide you via email on how to sample your hair at home and mail the sample to the lab for testing.
Balance Your Health
After around 2 weeks, you will receive a 20+ page report containing your hair analysis results and nutritional balancing program. We guide you via video consultation and email support.
Monitor Progress
Retest your hair every 4-5 months to keep your program updated and appropriate. We support you as you heal layers of imbalances and build lasting vitality.

Isn’t It Time to Start Feeling Better?

You can enjoy life to the fullest by meeting your specific nutritional needs.
Start today and discover how you can build real health with hair tissue mineral analysis and nutritional balancing.